Guitar lessons For A 5yr Old- Creating a Fun Practice Routine

Learning guitar should feel like playtime for your little rockstar! Here's how to create an engaging practice routine that will keep your 5-year-old excited about making music.

Guitar lessons For A 5yr Old

Every child is unique in their own way and these tips will work for some and not for others. For example some kids may want to practice 2-3 times day and this where the 10 minute rule is very effective.

The Magic 10-Minutes Rule

Young children have shorter attention spans, so keeping practice sessions brief but regular is often the best method to follow. Generally speaking A 5 year old will have a shorter attention span than a 8yr old but this can vary depending on the child.

  • Start with just 10 minutes daily
  • Look for small victories
  • Practice at the same time each day, like after breakfast or before dinner.

Setting Up Your Practice Space

Create a Special Music Corner

Setting Up Your Practice Space

  • Designate a cozy practice spot
  • Keep the guitar easily accessible
  • Use a child-sized chair
  • Display a colorful practice chart

Why a Dedicated Practice Space Matters

A well-organised practice space helps your 5-year-old develop good habits and makes guitar practice feel special. Think of it as their own musical clubhouse where they can explore, make mistakes, and grow as a musician.

The Right Location

- Choose a quiet room with a door that closes

- Keep the space free from toys and other distractions

- Ensure good lighting (natural light is best)

- Consider room temperature - not too hot or cold

Essential Equipment Setup

- Place guitar on a stable, child-sized stand

- Position stand where it's easily accessible

- Keep the guitar tuned and ready to play

- Remember: a guitar in its case rarely gets played!

Proper Seating

- Use a chair that allows feet to rest flat on the floor

- Ensure back support for proper posture

- Avoid chairs that swivel or roll

Learning Materials Organisation

- A sturdy music stand at eye level

- Set up a tablet mount or stand for video lessons

- Keep practice charts visible on the wall

- Store picks and other accessories within reach

Privacy Matters

- A private space allows freedom to experiment

- Repetition is crucial for learning

- Young players need to feel comfortable making mistakes

- Practice isn't performance - privacy reduces self-consciousness

Organisation Tips

- Create a designated spot for each item

- Use colorful labels for young learners

- Keep practice logs and sticker charts visible

Technology Integration

Screen Setup

- Mount tablet at eye level

- Position screen to avoid neck strain

- Keep charging cables organized

- Ensure stable internet connection

Making Practice Comfortable

- Privacy allows for guilt-free repetition

- Encourage playing passages multiple times

- Celebrate the process of improvement

- Create a judgment-free zone

Practice Chart Heroes

Create a fun reward system:

  • Use stickers for completed practice sessions
  • Draw a guitar hero path
  • Earn small rewards after 5 sessions

Here's an example of one of our Kids Guitar Dojo wall charts we use in our premium course

Practice Chart Heroes

Mini-Games for Tiny Hands

Spider Walks

  • Walk fingers up and down the neck
  • Name each fret as you go
  • Pretend fingers are tiny spiders

Making Progress Fun

Weekly Goals Should Be:

  • Simple and achievable
  • Focused on having fun
  • Celebrated with enthusiasm
  • Tracked with pictures or drawings

Making Progress Fun

Parent's Corner

Supporting Your Young Guitarist:

  • Keep expectations age-appropriate
  • Focus on enjoyment over perfection
  • Celebrate small victories
  • Join in the fun when possible

Progress Markers

Look for these signs of development:
✓ Holds guitar comfortably
✓ Recognizes different strings
✓ Shows interest in making music
✓ Enjoys practice time

Daily Practice Schedule

Sample 10-Minute Routine:

Important Tips


  • Keep it playful
  • Use lots of praise
  • Include movement
  • Make silly sounds


  • Force practice when tired
  • Focus on perfection
  • Compare with others
  • Skip the celebration

Friendly Rules To Follow

Remember these as simple guidelines:

  • Try and supervise practice time
  • Check guitar size is appropriate
  • Ensure proper sitting position
  • Keep guitar properly tuned

When to Take Breaks

Watch for these signals:

  • Fidgeting increases
  • Attention wanders
  • Shows frustration
  • Appears tired

Celebrating Progress

Ways to Celebrate:

  • Wall Charts Certificates
  • Mini concerts for family
  • Recording videos
  • Colouring In Music Games with Quiz

Next Steps

Once basic routines are established:

  • Introduce simple songs
  • Add new games
  • Expand practice time gradually
  • Include favorite music

Remember, at age 5, the goal is to build a positive relationship with music and the guitar. Keep everything light, fun, and full of imagination. Success comes from enjoying the journey!

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